Poetry of Stone and Faith Mardin

Yazar : Bünyad Dinç, Refik Durbaş
İsbn : 9757306460
Dil : Türkçe
Sayfa Sayısı : 228
Ölçü : 30 x 28,5 cm
Yayınevi : Türk Tarih Vakfı, Kent Gıda A.Ş.

The album in your hand relates the story of stonesand beliefs of the city of Mardin.As the Twentieth century draws to its close,we have succeded in persuading Mardin to tell its own story through the photographs of Bünyad Dinç and the Words of Refik Durbaş.This album,printed in english and turkish Through the generous sponsorship of Kent Gıda,also heralds the publication of a History of the city of Mardin which we plan to publish in the spring of 1999.The project will constitute an example for work on other cities,and will open the way for the writing of the Histories of other Anatolian cities situated on the Crossroads of beliefs,such as Gaziantep,Adıyaman,Şanlıurfa,Diyarbakır and Antakya.Our aim is to document,record and preserve the histories and fast disappearing cultures of Anatolian cities.İn the new millenium,the album in your hand,together with those that are to follow in the series,will occupy an honoured place in your library,and,in its documentation,will link the past to the present and the present to the future.The History of the Foundation would like to take this opportunity to express its most heartfelt gratitude to all those who has contributed to the realisation of thişs very important project,above all the Kent Gıda,who have made The publication of this work possible,to Bünyad Dinç,who has illustrated Mardin 1998 with photographs of outstanding beauty and significance,and to the poet Refik Durbaş who has presented us with a meticulously fashioned text which,we are conviced,will give the reader the very greatest pleasure and enjoyment.
******Bünyad Dinç, Refik Durbaş
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