Cornucopia Sayı 10

Dil : İngilizce
Ölçü : 21,5 x 27,5 cm
Yayınevi : Kayık Yayıncılık ve Turizm

COVER STORY 1. Order of the Bath How Lady Mary Wortley Montag's innocent observations inspired Ingres' erotic masterpiece. By John Carswell ARCHİTECTURE 1. Travels with my Yurt The nomads' pleasure dome, by Tim Beddow 2. Water's Edge Patricia Daunt tells the story of the Hekimbaşı Salih Efendi Yalısı, on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus 3. Leighton's Orient The Victorian painter's Arab Hall in London, by Caroline Juler ART & DESİGN 1. Foundation of Learning The Süleymaniye Library, by Caroline Finkel 2. Making our Dream Cars Come True Murat Günak, Peugeot's design guru, by John Brunton TRAVEL 1. Lycian Shore The western Mediterranean coast 2. The Consul's Retreat Englishman John Barker in Hatay 3. The Summer Afloat The Offshore Racing Calendar COOKERY 1. Purple Reign The elegant, mysterious aubergine
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